Call out: THESys Award 2023 for Bachelor and Master theses 

Since 2015, the IRI THESys has been awarding prizes for excellent Bachelor and Master theses in the field of human-environmental research. Now, all bachelor and master graduates of HU Berlin are again invited to apply for our THESys Award! Applications can be submitted during the application period from 15 September to 15 November 2023. Who…

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Dyos Prize for Urban History

Tim Moss has been awarded the Dyos Prize for Urban History by the CUP journal Urban History for his article “Navigating electricity dependencies in Cold War Berlin: an instructive history of urban infrastructure security”. The paper is free to access here. The prize gets one of the paper’s images on the front cover of the…

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January 30, 2025: KOSMOS-Lesung, Oxana Timofeeva

Energy and Extraction: A Philosophical Approach The lecture will analyse the place of philosophy within the broader field of environmental humanities, and focus on the discussion of philosophical perspectives on the problems of energy, including current energy crisis and the perspectives of energy transition. Stressing on the intrinsic connection between society and nature, it will…

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Best poster award for Marie Pratzer at GLP’s Open Science Meeting

Marie Pratzer received the award for Best PhD Poster Presentation at the Global Land Program’s 5th Open Science Meeting, Pathways to Sustainable and Just Land Systems, held in Oaxaca, Mexico. Her poster showcased an innovative approach to mapping land systems, emphasizing the contested nature of land use and the overlapping claims to land that characterize…

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Robert Arlinghaus receives Stifterverband Science Prize for Fisheries Research Excellence

THESys Member Prof. Robert Arlinghaus was awarded this year’s Science Prize of the Stiferverband. Congratulations! Robert Arlinghaus, Professor for Integrative Fisheries Management at HU Berlin in joint professorship with the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), is being honoured for his work on the ecological, economic and social aspects of inland recreational fishing.…

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Hello students: Apply now for our Humboldt-Scholarship!

The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is once again awarding scholarships from the Deutschlandstipendium programme to its students. Among them are 15 positions for the Humboldt-Scholarship (Themenklasse) Sustainability & Global Justice, which is based at IRI THESys. Interested students are invited to apply until 15 December 2024! Humboldt-Scholarship 2025/26: Food, Agriculture and Land Use in a Climate-Neutral…

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November 05, 2024: KOSMOS-Lesung with DKK & BMBF

Freiheit und Klima schützen – wie kann das gelingen? Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven im interdisziplinären Dialog Schränkt Klimaschutz die Freiheit ein – oder ist Klimaschutz die Voraussetzung für Freiheit? Hier gehen die Meinungen oft auseinander. Das Wissenschaftsjahr 2024 widmet sich dem Wert und der Bedeutung von Freiheit. Das Deutsche Klima-Konsortium, die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und das Bundesministerium…

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Award-winning documentary on Tobias Sauter’s work in Patagonia

In 2023, ZDF released a documentary highlighting the scientific work of THESys Member Tobias Sauter, Head of the Climate Lab at HU’s Geography Department. The documentary combines environmental issues in Patagonia and compelling storytelling. It has received international acclaim and has been awarded seven prizes: Best Environmental Film at the Terres Festival (Tortosa, Spain) Best…

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