Lithium extraction:  Uncertainties and hydro-social transformations in the salt flats of northern Chile

PhD Project

The project aims to investigate the interdependent global, national and local dynamics that interact in the process of expansion and intensification of lithium mining in the salt flats of northern Chile linked to the advance of the electro mobility industry. To this end, global and industry discourses are studied, as well as national development policies, and the divergent visions confronted in the socio-environmental conflicts promoted by local and indigenous communities against the state and mining companies. From an interdisciplinary approach, it seeks to expose the hydro-social transformations that this key water mining for energy transition project is causing at the local level.

Funding organization: DAAD


Flores Fernández, C. (2021) Dos caminos hacia la destrucción medioambiental: extractivismo verde en los salares de la Argentina y Chile. In FARN, Informe Ambiental 2021, Chapter 3, pp. 17-29.

Flores Fernández, C. (2021) El avance de la minería de Litio en el Salar de Maricunga: Desposesión por descarbonización en la última frontera del extractivismo verde. In OPSAL, Salares Andinos, Ecología de Saberes por la Protección de Nuestros Salares y Humedales. pp 219-236

Flores Fernández, C. (2020) Mito y realidad de la privatización de los servicios sanitarios urbanos. Lecciones del caso chileno. In Castro, J.E. (Ed.) Examinando las políticas del agua: lecciones de Bolivia, Chile, Francia y España, pp. 25-60.

Flores Fernández, C. (2020) Servicios Sanitarios urbanos en Chile. Revisión crítica de su gestión proivatizada a partir de la crisis sanitaria de Osorno. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Cono Sur, 69 p.

Flores Fernández, C. (2020) The Chilean energy “transition”: between successful policy and the assimilation of a post- political energy condition. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 33(2), 173-193:

Flores Fernández, C. (2018). Challenges for Polycentric Governance of Water and Forests in Chile: Critical Review in the Context of the Chile ́s Nationally Determined Contribution. Book of Abstracts, Utrecht Conference on Earth System Governance 2018: Governing global sustainability in a complex world.

WaterLandClimateInfrastructure & Energy