Details Decolonial Flânerie: Tracing the Silenced History of Black Scholars in BerlinFeaturedBy AnneJuly 2, 2022with Liliana Mosquera, Sascha Cornejo Puschner, and Jorge Vega
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LinkDetails HU Podcast: Lentil burgers instead of minced porkFeaturedBy AnneMarch 25, 2022with Peter Feindt & Harald Grethe
LinkDetails Ina Säumel: Interdisciplinary Brain City AmbassadorFeaturedBy AnneJune 21, 2021with Tim Moss
LinkDetails Shades of Conflict in Kyrgyzstan with Beril OcaklıFeaturedBy PaulineJune 10, 2021with Jörg Niewöhner
LinkDetails Theory of science and transdisciplinarityFeaturedBy irithesysadminJanuary 25, 2021with Jörg Niewöhner