Alumnus (Doctoral Researcher)
Sascha Miguel Cornejo Puschner was a PhD student at IRI THESys from 2018 to 2023. He studied Anthropology and Political Philosophy in Santiago de Chile and is now “in the middle” of his doctoral research process.
Sascha’s research follows the questions of how natural resource extraction impact on local territories. His research is focused on a Chilean Region in the Atacama Desert (Tarapacá), generally conceived as a rich deposit of natural resources, like copper, zinc, or lithium. The construction of a Chilean imaginary as a “mining country” has contributed to the displacement of resource frontiers, and with that the growing fear and uncertainties of the local population about the unexpected social and environmental impacts of mining on these territories.
Research Interests
- (Neo)Extractivism as a socio-environmental issue.
- Territoriality and cultural dynamics of indigenous culture
- Legibility, simplification and bureaucratization of nature expressed in Environmental Assessment Studies
- (Post)coloniality and ethical positioning of researcher
Selected Publications
Descolonizar la naturaleza: preguntas, tensiones, contradicciones y utopías Revista de la Academia Vol. 27. (2020) DOI:
Paradojas de la domesticación: aproximaciones a la relación problemática entre tecnología, libertad y eugenesia. Vo 38 . N. 45. (2020) DOI:
¿Políticas de la naturaleza o naturaleza como política? Claves teóricas para repensar la relación naturaleza y cultura. Towards a politics of nature. Some theoretical directions to rethink the relation between nature and culture. In colaboration with A. Durán. Revista de la Academia. N. 26. Medio ambiente, ecología y sociedad. (2018)
Politicas de la especie. Eugenesia, vida e ingeniería genética. Lom ediciones: Santiago de Chile. (2017)
La relación naturaleza y ser humano, tecnología y biología bajo la luz del posthumanismo. Antropologías del Sur. Dossier Afro-descendientes y Racismo. Vol 4 n. 8(2017)