
Ignacio Farías is professor of urban anthropology at the Institute of European Ethnology and board member of the Georg-Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies of the HU Berlin. Previously he was assistant professor at the Munich Center for Technology in Society at TU Munich (2015-18) and senior researcher at WZB Social Science Research Center Berlin (2009-2015). He was also a board member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (2013-2016) and chief editor of EASST Review (2014-2020). He holds a BA in Sociology from UC Chile, a MA in Anthropology from Universidad de Barcelona and a PhD in European Ethnology from HU Berlin.

Ignacio works at the crossroads of social and cultural anthropology, science and technology studies and urban studies. His research focuses on infrastructural and environmental transformations of European and Latin American cities and the political and democratic challenges these transformations entail. His current work explores the urban politics of airborne disruptions, involving heat, noise and radio waves, as well as current experiments in civic-led common-good oriented urban development projects. He is interested in experimenting with ethnography as an inventive practice of city-making performed with others (designers, initiatives, concerned groups, policy makers) and by other means (moving from textual to material productions).

Ignacio is a member of IRI THESys since May 2018.

Research Interests

  • Current infrastructural and environmental transformations of cities
  • Participatory experiments in urban governance
  • Multimodal collaboration in/as research


Ignacio’s publications can be accessed on his institutional page and on Google scholar.