Alumni (Guest Researcher)
Caroline Salomão is a doctoral researcher working on Water Resources at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. From May to October 2022, she is undertaking a research stay at IRI THESys.
At IRI THESys, she is involved in the “Water Security for Whom” project, which investigates in/equalities in water security across the water-energy-food nexus at the three largest dams in Colombia. Her part is to use geoprocessing, remote sensing and modelling tools to investigate and model land and water use change around the dams, with a particular focus on food systems.
Caroline has a degree in Business Administration and Environmental Engineering, with a master’s in Modelling and Analysis of Environmental Systems. Before her PhD, she was working in research institutes linked to Universities and in NGOs, together with farmers and official agencies, especially in the Brazilian Legal Amazon and Atlantic Forest. There she developed spatial, statistical and econometric models to identify and predict deforestation, forest restoration and better production areas, financial mechanisms and business models to improve cattle ranching and agriculture areas (intensification, technical assistance, etc.) while preserving the forest, such as payment programs for ecosystem services and carbon projects. She also collaborated in the creation and analysis of public policies related to the protection of natural resources.
Research Interests
- Land and water use changes around infrastructures
- Agri-food systems transitions and Sustainable Food Value Chains
- Policies and financial mechanisms to protect and restoring forest (PES, REDD+)
SALOMÃO, C., LIMA, L., RAJÃO, R. Willingness to adopt voluntary and compulsory forest restoration practices by rural landowners in the central Rio Doce basin – MG. Ambiente e Sociedade, Vol 25, 2022 DOI:
SALOMÃO, C.S.C., STABILE, M., SOUZA, L., ALENCAR, A., CASTRO, I., GUYOT, C.,e MOUTINHO, P. Amazônia em Chamas – desmatamento, fogo e pecuária em terras públicas: nota técnica no 8. Brasília, DF: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, 2021. In: amazonia- -em-chamas-8-desmatamento-fogo-e-pecuaria-em-terras-publicas.
SALOMÃO, C., SOUZA-PAULA L. G., TIMBÓ ELMIRO, M. A. Use of multicriteria analysis to define priority areas for reforestation in the Piranga River Basin, MG, Brazil. Sustentabilidade em Debate – Brasília, v. 11, n.2, p. 108-120, 2020 ISSN-e 2179-9067.
SALOMÃO, C. S. C.; RODRIGUES, P. C. H. ; ALVES, S. F. ; FERREIRA, J. M. L. ; MACHADO, R. P. M.. Sistemas Agroflorestais e Recursos Hídricos. Revista Agropecuária EPAMIG, p. 27 – 43, 29 abr. 2019.
CARVALHO-RIBEIRO S.M., RAJÃO R., NUNES F., LIMA L., MARCOLINO, C., RICKARD T., SALOMÃO C., SOARES FILHO B. A Spatially Explicit Index for Mapping Forest Restoration Vocation (FRV) at the Landscape Scale: Application in the Rio Doce basin, Brazil. Science of the Total Environment 744 (2020) 140647.
STABILE MARCELO C. C., GARCIA ANDREA S., SALOMÃO CAROLINE S. C., BUSH GLENN, GUIMARÃES ANDRÉ L., MOUTINHO PAULO. Slowing Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Avoiding Legal Deforestation by Compensating Farmers and Ranchers. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, Vol 4, 2022, doi 10.3389/ffgc.2021.635638.
MOUTINHO, P., ALENCAR, A., STABILE, M., FELOWS, M., SALOMÃO, C... LUI, G. Destinação de Florestas Públicas: O caminho para o fim do desmatamento ilegal na Amazônia In:
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