
Well done: 4 PhDs completed

In the summer semester, no less than 4 members of the THESys Graduate Program successfully completed their doctorates! Congratulations to Sascha Miguel Cornejo Puschner, Hoseung Jung, Ingrid Schulte, and Emily Theokritoff! Completed PhD projects Sascha Miguel Cornejo Puschner: Nature/culture relations in environmental conflicts in regard to mining extractivism in the north of Chile (region of…

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Call for Applications: THESys Completion Scholarships and Pre-doc Scholarships

IRI THESys offers completion scholarships and pre-doc scholarships! Application deadline is 24th July 2023. 1. THESys Completion Scholarships THESys completion scholarships are intended to enable doctoral students of the THESys Graduate Program to complete their doctorate. The guidelines for applications for completion scholarships can be found PDF. 2. THESys Pre-doc Scholarships THESys pre-doc scholarships are…

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Book Publication: Listening to Urban Worlds

THESys doctoral researcher Marvin Heine has published his master’s thesis under the title “Resonant Fabrics: Listening to Urban Worlds”. “Resonant Fabric”, published by ‘transcript’ and with a foreword by THESys member Prof. Ignacio Farías, is an exploration and celebration of urban sense- and soundscapes as they shape and are shaped by urban cultures and particular…

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A Reason to Celebrate: 10 Years of IRI THESys

From June 15-16, 2023, the IRI THESys celebrated its 10th anniversary at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. A good occasion for big questions: How did we actually become who we are? Where do we stand today? And what should be the future of transformative and of transformation research at HU Berlin? The results of these reflections were…

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Inaugural Lecture by Gretchen Bakke

In her inaugural lecture, the cultural anthropologist Gretchen Bakke gives an overview about the history of the fossil fueled electricity system and highlights its relationship to the refrigerator. Refrigerator as Linchpin: A Brief History of the Fossil Fueled Electricity System 30 June 2023, 13.15-14.45 Hybrid: IRI THESys, Rudower Chaussee 12B, 12489 Berlin, room 3.25 or…

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Let’s celebrate! 10 years of IRI THESys

In 2023, the IRI THESys will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Behind us are 10 special years of inter- and transdisciplinary research on transformations of human-environment systems. This meant (and still means!) running research projects, publishing books, papers, and reports, holding scientific and public events, and, last but not least, promoting young researchers who are about to…

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Next KOSMOS-Lesung by IRI THESys’ Global Observatory

During their KOSMOS-Lesung on 15 June 2023, a group of THESys researchers will share what they observed last winter: multiple crises and what this means for our societies and for climate protection across the globe. What we promise: This will be more than a lecture. It will be a happening! Climate & Cohesion. Notes after…

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Two Student Assistants Wanted

We are looking for two student assistants who take responsibility for the lecture series “The Green Thread” initiated by the Sustainability Office, which is run by HU students (start: 1 October 2023, end: 30 September 2025). Tasks Collaborate within the context of the “Studium Oecologicium” (Head: Prof. Dr. Sandra Jasper) Preparation of and participation in…

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Extended deadline: Assistant to the Management

IRI THESys is looking for an Assistant to the Management (m/f/d) with 77% of regular working hours (E 9a TV-L HU, limited until 31 May 2025). Application deadline: June 08, 2023. Responsibilities Support the management of IRI THESys Contributing to the general organisation and administration of the IRI THESys office and the junior research groups Handling…

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New leadership team: a welcome and a farewell

During its General Assembly on 21 April 2023, the members of IRI THESys elected a new directorate and a new member of the IRI Board. Tobias Krüger, former deputy director, has been elected as new director. He is joined by Sandra Jasper, who serves as new deputy of IRI THESys. In addition, Gretchen Bakke has…

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