In the Media


Theory of science and transdisciplinarity


On the In Common podcast, THESys Director Jörg Niewöhner discusses with host Stefan Partelow—current member of the the third cohort of the Postdoc Academy for Tranformational Leadership— the current and future challenges with inter- and trans-discipliarity, as well as the the significance of the theory of science within academia and beyond.

Klimaschutz ist am Ende des Tages eine moralische Frage


THESys Member Christoph Schneider talks with radio journalist Cora Knoblauch on the Humboldt Hören podcast about glaciers and the political and social efforts that are needed to achieve a CO2-neutral economy, and why climate change is ultimately a moral question.

Hitler wollte Alpenwasser


In an interview with Frank Thadeusz for the Spiegel, THESys Member and historian Timothy Moss explains how infrastructure helped Berlin become the metropolis it is today.

More extreme than good: What climate change has to do with pandemics and environmental protection with culture


THESys Director Jörg Niewöhner and Prof. Christian Drosten from the Charité were featured on the the rbb podcast Talking Science. It was part of a special live-recording at the World Health Summit and discussed the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the intersection of virology and transformation research and the importance of science communication.

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