In the Media


3sat NANO: Jörg Niewöhner about the climate crisis


In the 3sat science magazine NANO, THESys director Jörg Niewöhner explains what the climate crisis teaches us: As democratic societies, we have to decide how we want to live in the future. Among other things, the TV programme higlights the exhibition “After Nature” in the Humboldt Forum.

HU Podcast: Lentil burgers instead of minced pork


In the March edition of the HU podcast “humboldt hören” (listening to humboldt), THESys Members Peter Feindt and Harald Grethe talk with radio journalist Cora Knoblauch about urgently needed agricultural reforms and animal welfare issues, and discuss the connection between environmental protection and sustainable nutrition.

Interview on Berlin’s infrastructure futures


In this video interview Tim Moss talks about the relevance of his recent book “Remaking Berlin” for infrastructure futures in the Berlin city region. The interview is hosted by the BB2040 project, a collaborative platform exploring transformation processes in Berlin-Brandenburg from the perspective of infrastructures coordinated by the Habitat Unit at the Technical University of Berlin.

Book profile in The MIT Press Reader


Tim Moss‘ book “Remaking Berlin. A History of the City through Infrastructure, 1920-2020” is profiled with an article in The MIT Press Reader, a digital magazine-style publication that produces excerpts, interviews and original essays for a general audience. The piece, drawing on his chapter on Nazi Berlin, is featured here.

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