My m² Earth
This collaborative photo project visualizes transformation processes by capturing local aspects of global change across the world. It was inspired by the THESys exhibition ‘m² Earth’ in 2014 where a series of 1×1 m photographs showed how a square meter can be used for new forms of science and visual communication. The 20 photographic works were taken by Ida Marie Tangerås and Cooper Blade, art students from the BTK (University of Art and Design) and captured local examples of global change in Berlin, Norway and the United States. These ranged from reservoir dams and wind turbines, to melting glaciers and grazing sheep, to urban gardening and plastic creations. Equipped with their analog Hasselblad 6×6 cameras, the pair documented and reflected on the impacts of unsustainable lifestyles and policy making, as well as emerging changes within society towards more sustainability in daily life.
My m² Earth expanded the transdisciplinary and thematic scope of the project and was designed as a collaborative photo project which invites everyone to upload their own photographs and commentaries. As most of the Earth’s approximately 510 Billion square meters have been affected by mankind, my m² Earth raises the question, on which spot of Earth people identify local aspects of global change within their everyday life. However, global change doesn’t just stand for the destruction of the environment or loss of biodiversity, but for positive aspects such as urban gardening, urban animal habitats or energy-efficient housing. As such, the online exhibition includes a range of phenomena and has grown continuously. Since October 2015, a total number of 78 images by 52 photographers have been submitted. See a selection of these images below.