Since 2015, the IRI THESys has been awarding prizes for outstanding bachelor’s and master’s theses in the field of human-environment research for HU students. On 30 January, the prize was awarded for the 10th time. The award winners are Marek Sierts, Ana Belén Palacios and Jonas Textor. Congratulations!
Bicycles, speculative design and pig farming
Marek Sierts from the Department of Geography was honored with the 1st prize for his Master’s thesis „Gentrifizierung auf zwei Rädern“? Eine Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Fahrradinfrastruktur und sozioökonomischen Bevölkerungsmerkmalen in Berlin.
Ana Belén Palacios from the Institute of Cultural Studies received the 2nd prize for her Master’s thesis The Mestiza Ways: Ontologically Oriented Speculative Design of Mestizo Women.
Jonas Textor from the Thaer Institute was awarded the 3rd prize for his Master’s thesis Das Schwein als Produkt. Bilder von Körper und Geschlecht innerhalb der industriellen Schweinezucht.
The three prize winners presented their theses in short lectures to the audience of the Lecture Series “Der grüne Faden” and received their certificates.
Once again, we thank all candidates for their submissions and congratulate them on their remarkable theses and graduation!
For more information about the THESys Award, please take a look here.
Photo credits: IRI THESys