On July 22, 2024, Nadine Jenny Shirin Schröder successfully defended her PhD thesis, “Order with and without design in polycentric governance systems: Exploring the role of independence and multiplicity in decision-making for WFD implementation processes.” Her thesis was supervised by Prof. Wolfgang Dickhaut and Prof. Nigel Watson at the Environmentally Sound Urban and Infrastructure Planning section of HafenCity University Hamburg. She graduated with magna cum laude.
Her qualitative study conducts a cross-local comparison of six German states, asking: How do governance structures influence the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), especially at the local level, and regarding the adoption of WFD prescriptions of the river basin management approach, coordination across borders and sectors, and public participation?
Nadine’s current plan is to work as a landscape planner.
We congratulate Nadine on completing her doctoral thesis and wish her all the best in the future!