On 09 November 2023, the philosopher Prof. Kirsten Meyer will give a KOSMOS-Lesung on the topic of intergenerational justice. She will explore the question of what responsibility we have towards future generations when it comes to climate change.
Responsibility towards future generations in the context of climate change
09.11.2023, 19.00-20.30 Uhr
HU Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, lecture hall 2094
The effects of current CO₂ emissions, such as sea-level rise, cannot be reversed over long periods of time. Climate change is thus also a significant problem of intergenerational justice. This talk
will focus on philosophical positions on intergenerational justice. What do we owe to future generations? What is the relevance of intergenerational justice for today’s climate policy?
Prof. Kirsten Meyer is Professor of Practical Philosophy at HU Berlin, where she works on climate ethics. Kirsten Meyer is also a member of IRI THESys.
Moderation: Prof. Tobias Krüger, Director of IRI THESys and Professor of Hydrology and Society at the Geography Department of HU Berlin.
Further information
The event will be held in German. Entrance is free of charge. Afterwards, a video recording will be made available on the university’s YouTube channel.
This KOSMOS-Lesung will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week 2023.
All information can also be found in the HU event calendar.