As part of the World Health Summit, THESYs Director Jörg Niewöhner and Director of the Institute of Virology at Charité Christian Drosten recorded a live interview in the podcast ‘Talking Science’. The fourth episode of the series titled ‘Extremer als es uns gut tut – Was Klimawandel mit Pandemien zu tun hat und Umweltschutz mit Kultur’ (More extreme than good- What climate change has to do with pandemics and environmental protection with culture) was first launched in 2020 and recently re-released on YouTube . In the interview, Christian Drosten and Jörg Niewöhner discuss the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, the intersection of virology and transformation research and the importance of science communication.
Created by the Berlin University Alliance and Charité Global Health and produced by the Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), the podcast series ‘Talking Science’ explores what happens when science meets society. In each episode, moderator and rbb science reporter Julia Vismann meets researchers from two Berlin University Alliance institutions, an association between Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin. In this first season, Vismann and her guests debate topics related to interdisciplinary health research. Find out more about the ‘Talking Science’ from the Berlin University Alliance here.