Sea buckthorn, apples, rose hips and sloe. This is what participants of last year’s “Edible City Solutions Summer School” discovered on a “Harvest Your City” foraging tour through Berlin. Now you can join them in a video on YouTube.
Exploring sustainable urban food systems
From September 20 to October 1, the EdiCitNet project team embarked on a two-week learning journey with 30 participants from Asia, Africa, Europe, South and North America, exploring sustainable urban food systems. Due to the pandemic situation, a major part of the Summer School was held online. But the Berlin participants got the chance to meet offline as they went on their “Harvest Your City” foraging tour with project partner Mundraub. Their adventures were accompanied by a camera.
Watch the video on YouTube: EdiCitNet Summer School 2021: Foraging Tour in Berlin with Mundraub