After a two-year break, the Long Night of Sciences celebrates its comeback on 2 July 2022 and will once again take place in presence – with a special focus on current crises. IRI THESys participates with a crisis talk and a water concert.
CRISIS TALKS – Nature’s crises on the couch
July 2nd, 20:35-22:00
HU main building, room 2097, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
Nature’s crises are fed up. They urgently need help and want to be taken seriously. So off to the psychologist! Whether it’s a climate crisis, a water crisis, a land crisis or a food crisis, the environmental psychologist Dr. THESys listens carefully. And she gives the audience the chance to ask own questions.
A joint event with Daniel Müller, Ina Säumel, Constanze Werner and Theresa Frommen & the Theater des Anthropozän. For all those who want to better understand the crises of nature.
Open Air | Our Water Future
July 2nd, 22:00 onwards
Humboldt Satellit, Ehrenhof, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin
To explore our water future in Berlin-Brandenburg, original sea shanties from musician Kevin Mooney will guide you through an evening filled with discussions, dialogues and activities with researchers from the Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC). The event is organised by the project AnthropoScenes; a close cooperation of the HU, FU, TU and the Theater des Anthropozän, and is funded by the Berlin University Alliance.
Full programme
The full programme for the Long Night of the Sciences is available here: