The Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is once again awarding scholarships from the Deutschlandstipendium programme to its students. Among them are 15 positions for the Humboldt-Scholarship Sustainability & Global Justice, which is based at IRI THESys. Interested students are invited to apply until 13 January 2023!
Next Humboldt-Scholarship: Right of nature – right to food?
Starting in April 2023, 15 Bachelor and Master students are given the opportunity to develop an interdisciplinary and team-based research project throughout the course of one year. In 2023/24, the student research will focus on the topic of “Right of nature – right to food?”.
The Themenklasse 2023/24 will deal with fundamental questions and concrete examples of basic needs for a ‘good Anthropocene’. On the one hand, current developments will be critically questioned, on the other hand, new ideas will be developed, evaluated and tried out. The topic ‘Right of nature – right to food’ offers the scholarship holders the opportunity to bring the knowledge and methods of their respective fields of study into the joint interdisciplinary work and thus enable an ecological, economic, ethical, social and legal consideration of the problem. There is the possibility to carry out projects directly at HU Berlin. Special attention is given to the development and use of creative formats of knowledge and science communication to present and document the results of student research.
Throughout the year, the scholarship holders will receive ongoing guidance and mentoring from IRI THESys scientists, partners, and stakeholders. Furthermore, the scholarship supports them with 300 euros per month. In addition, five credit points per semester will be charged for successful participation in the programme.
Application requirements
The call aims at Bachelor and Master students coming from institutes and faculties involved at IRI THESys: The Geography Department, the Institute of European Ethnology, the Department of Philosophy, the Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, and the School of Business and Economics. In addition, the scholarship is also open to students from a host discipline. This year, law students are invited to apply.
Application deadline: 13 January 2023
Detailed information can be found on the website of the Deutschland-Stipendium. If you have further questions, please contact the team of the Deutschlandstipendium:
More information
The Humboldt-Scholarship Sustainability and Global Justice at IRI THESys was established in 2013 and is funded by Stiftung Humboldt-Universität. You can have a look at former student projects here.
Photo credits: Bernard Chéret