Our interdisciplinary dialogue occurred online on Friday, 11 June, organised by our decolonial research group. We explored how coloniality influences knowledge production within academia and what alternatives exist to break the dynamics of reproducing social injustice within our research practices. Two key experts, Dr Noa K. Ha and Dr Antony Pattathu, highlighted examples of their work to open up dialogue on current challenges and future opportunities.
Dr. Noa K. Ha has been the Scientific Director at the DeZIM Institute since 2020 where she is responsible for Junior Researcher Promotion & Community Outreach. From 2018 to 2020, she led the the junior research group at the Centre for Integration Studies at TU Dresden where her research focused on postcolonial urban research, migrant-diasporic politics of commemoration, critical research on integration and criticism of racism. She is a founding member of the Fachgesellschaft für rassismuskritische, postkoloniale und dekoloniale Forschung und Praxis – DeKolonial e.V.i.G. (the professional society for racism-critical, postcolonial and decolonial research and practice) and is active in the Asian-German association korientation e.V.. She has also published widley including articles such as in the anthology Decolonize the City! Zur Kolonialität der Stadt – Gespräche Aushandlungen Perspektiven (2017) including her article “Zur Kolonialität des Städtischen” (pp. 75-87).
Dr. Antony Pattathu is a research fellow at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and a founding member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Global South Studies at Tübingen University. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the Department of Anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley and a Center for Advanced Studies Fellow at the Center for Historical Studies at the JNU in Delhi. His other research interests are institutional history of anthropology in Tuebingen, transnational religion and migration with a focus on members of the Syro-Malabar Church in Kerala and Germany, medical anthropology and ayurveda in India and Germany and decolonial theories and methods.
For any further information please contact the organisers Jorge Vega and Sascha Cornejo, members of the THESys Graduate Program. You can watch a recording of the interdisciplinary dialogue here.