Enabling sustainability transformations

At the Integrative Research Institute on Transformations of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys), we aim to forge new paths towards sustainable futures. We conduct inter- and transdisciplinary research on land use change, integrative food systems, global water cycles, climate change adaptation, and infrastructures.

We aim to enable transformations through:
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  • Sep

    Hydro-Social Encounters - IRI Canoe Excursion

    Canoe Excursion along the Spree River with Pauline Münch.

    On September 26th, the inaugural Hydro-Social Encounters event will take place along the Spree. The event is not intended as an outreach or dissemination activity, rather as an opportunity to gather and collectively meander along the river. There will also be some impulses, inputs and inspirations from Laura Betancur Alarcon and Desirée Hetzel from the IRI community about river rhythmicities, communication with more-than-humans and hidden infrastructures.

    26 September 2024, 1 to 4 PM

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