
To support the dialogue between science and society, as well as researchers across different disciplines, IRI THESys holds both external and internal events. This includes lecture series, summer universities and panel discussions open to the public, and participative workshops, colloquiums and activities for IRI THESys. Browse through our past and upcoming events to find out more.

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  • Jul

    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

    Open Air | Our Water Future

    When?  July 2, 2022
    Where? Ehernhof, HU Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

    Join musician Kevin Mooney and researchers from the Einstein Research Unit Climate and Water Under Change (CliWaC) for a unique art and science open-air! To explore our water future in Berlin-Brandenburg, original sea shanties will guide you through an evening filled with discussions, dialogues and activities with CliWaC scientists. The event is organised by the project AnthropoScenes; a close cooperation of the HU, FU, TU and the Theater des Anthropozän, and is funded by the Berlin University Alliance.