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EdiCitNet Global Lunch Talks #2
Making Cities Edible With Building-Integrated Agriculture
When? 9th March 2022, 12:00-13:00 CET
Where? onlineBuilding-integrated urban agriculture – like rooftop farms and edible green facades – offers cities a range of ecological, socio-cultural as well as economic benefits. But what needs to be done to get the city on board? In this 2nd webinar the EdiCitNet project will be exploring legislative and political barriers , but also chances and opportunities. Looking at Germany – and internationally – what can cities and individuals do to support the spread of building-integrated agriculture?
In this webinar we will hear from green building experts Rebecca Gohlke and Felix Mollenhauer from Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (German Association of Building Greening). Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e. V. (BuGG) operates both as professional organisation and advocacy group for companies, communities, universities, organisations and all parties interested in building greening. BuGG deals with all aspects of building greening, i.e. green roofs, green walls, interior greening and further building structures. Roof gardens, roof farms and edible green walls are part of nature-based ECS that offer ecological, socio-cultural as well as economic benefits. BuGG aims to promote building greening in general and ECS on roofs and facades in particular.
This lunch talk is part of the bi-monthly webinar series EdiCitNet Global Lunch Talks that explores experiences from different countries around the world: challenges, opportunities and best practice cases for greener, more liveable and more edible cities.
How to register
Please register on the EdiCitNet website