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  • Jul

    Workshop: Toward an International of Water Bodies

    Voicing, Visualizing, Evidencing, Mobilizing

    When: 11 July 2024, 14:00 - 17:30
    Where: hybrid at IRI-THESys - room 3.25, Rudower Chaussee 12B, 12489 Berlin

    Online streaming:

    How can diverse water bodies at various localities learn from each other and build solidarity? How can we think of this form of support as an international effort where the main protagonist is water and all the living networks it sustains? This hybrid workshop will gather scientists, artists, legal scholars, activists, and writers from Brazil, Indonesia, and Spain to share their experiences in advocating the protection of water bodies in their localities. Inspired by Camille de Toledo, an artist and activist who launched the research program “Towards and Internationale of Rivers and Other Elements of Nature,” the workshop will focus on sharing the experiences of voicing and visualizing water bodies, evidencing environmental violence beyond jurisdictional logics, and mobilizing legal-political supports to protect water.

    This workshop is part of the BUA project “Re-Scaling Global Health: Human Health & Multispecies Cohabitation on an Urban Planet” (


    • Endira Julianda (Labtek Apung, Indonesia)
    • Victor Prospero, Ж, and Lucio Teles (Salve Saracura, Brazil)
    • Mijo Miquel (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)
    • Camille de Toledo (writer and activist for the Loire River, France)
    • Ana Luiza Nobre and David Sperling (Ground Atlas)

    PDF programme