Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) Anaïs Dresse, after graduating from Marburg University in 2010 with a Master Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies, specialized in Human Rights Law, obtaining a LL.M. in International Public Law from Tilburg University, the Netherlands. After her studies, she gained practical experience in the field, working as a Junior Technical Assistant in…

Alumna (Student Assistant) Rhea Rennert started her M.Sc. in Urban Ecosystem Sciences at the Technical University of Berlin in 2019. Previously, she obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Geography at Humboldt University of Berlin. Rhea is part of the Rural Futures and EdiCitNet team at IRI THESys. “I am excited to work at IRI-THESys and deepen…

Alumnus (Student Assistant) Nicolás Rojas studied Geography (Bachelor of Science) at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU). During this period, he worked as a student assistant in the climatology department at the geography department of HU. Afterwards he made an internship in the field of public transport at the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg VBB. Currently he is…

Alumna (Student Assistant) Sophia Reitzug is currently working as a student assistant in the Rural Futures project in the research group Multifunctional Landscapes led by Dr. Ina Säumel. She is pursuing her bachelors degree in Geography at the Humboldt-University Berlin and plans to start her masters degree by Fall 2021. Research Interests Land Use/Cover Change…

Doctoral Researcher Luis Zamarioli is researching how financial solutions may affect positively and negatively countries that are already vulnerable to climate risks. This study complements Luis’ work at the FS-UNEP Collaborating Centre, and builds on over 6 years of experience in implementing projects, providing policy advice and researching climate and sustainability-related topics. The research starts…

Alumna (Student Assistant) Serafina Bischoff is a student assistant for the Multifunctional Landscapes Research Group within the RuralFutures project. She has a keen interest in the effects of climate change and human-environment interaction on biodiversity. Understanding functional relationships in ecosystems and the dynamics behind land use and land cover changes are very exciting to her…

IT Technician

IT Technician “Everything is going to be fine in the end. If it’s not fine it’s not the end.” Oscar Wilde Since July 2017, Stephan Schulz is responsible for the IT at IRI THESys and supports the administration. Email: stephan.schulz.1 (at) Phone: +49 30 2093-66346

Doctoral Researcher Olga Statnaia is pursuing her PhD at the Agricultural and Food Policy Group of the Thaer-Institute, Department of Agricultural Economics. She holds two master’s degrees in Economic Sciences from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (MSc) and in Global Economy from the Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of the Russian Federation. Her…

Doctoral Researcher Cristián Flores Fernández works with Prof. Dr. Tobias Krüger in the Hydrology and Society research group of the Department of Geography and IRI THESys. His PhD project studies the transformations and uncertainties that brine extraction for lithium and potassium mining generates in the socio-natural metabolism of the salt flats of northern Chile. From…

Alumna Ana Buchadas is pursuing a PhD in the Departments of Geography Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, with co-supervisor in Université catholique de Louvain. In her PhD, she will address deforestation frontiers in tropical dry forests, understanding deforestation and advancing agricultural frontiers, their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services and local livelihoods. Ana has a bachelor’s degree in…