Alumna (Student Assistant) Veronika Pinzger (aka Vero) is working as a student assistant at IRI THESys. Since January 2018 she is a volunteer member of the student-driven Sustainability Office (Nachhaltigkeitsbüro) and since March 2021, she officially works for and supports it by coordinating and implementing the students certificate Studium Oecologicum. The Studium Oecologicum is a…
Alumnus (Guest Researcher) Santos D. Chicas’ project will use machine learning algorithms and social science methods to identify the land use practices, biophysical and socioeconomic factors that increase wildfire vulnerability in the Maya Mountain Massif (MMM) thus, providing information to build more resilience to climate change and in so doing improving wildfire management. The Maya…
Researcher Rossella Alba is a postdoctoral researcher at the Geography Department and at IRI THESys. She researches socio-ecological inequalities taking governance and infrastructure as analytical entry points. She is particularly intrigued by watery spaces including rivers, urban water supply systems, dams and, more recently, coastal and marine waters. In her work, she brings together theories…
Alumna (Project Staff EdiCitNet) Marisa Pettit joined IRI THESys in 2021 as a project coordination assistant for the EdiCitNet. She has a BA in Modern Languages and Cultures from the University of Manchester and an MA in Latin American Studies, with a focus on Social Anthropology and Political Ecology, from Freie Universität Berlin. She has…
Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) Nicole van Maanen graduated in Climate Studies from Wageningen University and Research (MSc.) and in Politics, Administration and Organisation from Universität Potsdam (B.A.). She wrote her master thesis at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and has worked as a Research Analyst at Climate Analytics since 2019. During her Bachelor…
Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) Nadine Schröder is a member of the IRI THESys Graduate Program doing her PhD in water governance. She studied two majors in parallel: East Asian Studies/ Korean Studies B.A. with minor Political Science (Free University of Berlin), Environmental Engineering B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Technical University of Berlin) and Integrated Natural Resource Management M.Sc.…
Alumnus (Doctoral Researcher) Franz Schug is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys and the Earth Observation Lab at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2018, he is pursuing his PhD studies on Earth Observation methods for anthropogenic material stocks and population mapping in close collaboration with the Institute of Social Ecology at the University of Natural Resources…
Doctoral Researcher Anja Klein is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys and a research associate at the Institute of European Ethnology. At the latter, she received her M.A. with a focus on Science and Technology Studies and began researching models and simulations of human-environment relations as a knowledge practice which then developed into her PhD-project.…
Doctoral Researcher Jelena Grosse-Bley is a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a visiting predoctoral fellow with the Lise Meitner Research Group, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. She holds a M.A. in Modern East Asian Studies from Georg-August Universität (Göttingen) and a M.Sc. in Environmental Management…
Alumna (Doctoral Researcher) Anna Frohn Pedersen is a PhD student at IRI THESys since July 2018. She holds a Master of Science in Anthropology from the University of Copenhagen and a Master of Arts in Visual Anthropology from the University of Manchester. Her research topics have varied broadly, including refugee and migration studies, place making, land…