Doctoral Researcher Haoying Li is a doctoral researcher at IRI THESys since October 2019. She has finished her bachelor and master degree at Southwest University in China majoring in human geography. Since 2016, Haoying Li has focused on the land use and rural development issue, mainly on the rural human settlements and various stakeholders of…

Doctoral Researcher Clemens Jänicke is a doctoral researcher IRI THESys and funded by the FORLand project at the Leibnitz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO). His research focuses on the relationship between land ownership structures and land use intensity. In his work he will quantitatively assess the ownership concentration of different ownership groups…

Doctoral Researcher María José Vásquez is a doctoral researcher in climate change adaptation. Her research highlights that even though climate adaptation projects are taking place all around the world, it does not necessarily translate into enhanced adaptative capacity, resilience or reduced vulnerability. The doctoral research intends to identify how climate change adaptation progresses in Latin America…