The winners of the THESys Award 2021 have been chosen. Congratulations to Natalie Kiefer, Marie Pratzer, Robin Dach, Valentin Salein, Nina Fintzen, Julia Spahle and Hanna-Lea Schmid for their outstanding Bachelor and Master theses!
With this prize, the IRI THESys annually honours talented students at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin who have written a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis in the field of human-environmental research.
The award ceremony will take place on 27 January 2022, 16-18, during the lecture series “Der grüne Faden” of the Studium Oecologicum. The winners will present their final theses in short lectures.
Young researchers concerned about the world
“The topics of this year’s award ranged from the oceans to the forests, from urban to rural perspectives, from modeling to behavioral studies, but all addressed human-environment relationships. Students from a variety of degree programs including philosophy, integrated natural resource management, global change geography, urban ecosystem science, agricultural economics, art and visual history submitted outstanding and exciting bachelor’s and master’s theses. It was a pleasure to read through their work, not only because of their scientific excellence and creativity, but also because I had the impression that these young scientists feel very connected to, and at the same time concerned about, the topic they are researching, the world they are living in. Therefore, the decision was very close this year.”
THESys Award coordinator Dr. Theresa Frommen
The winners of the THESys Award 2021
1st Prize
Natalie Kiefer, BA thesis
(Re)Thinking the Ocean
Marie Pratzer, MA thesis
Understanding the Relationship of Agricultural Intensification and Deforestation in the World’s Tropical Dry Forests
2nd Prize
Robin Dach, BA thesis
The Political Ecology of Groundwater Mining in Yemen
Valentin Salein, BA thesis
Schulden wir es einander, unsere individuellen Emissionen zu reduzieren? Ein kontraktualistischer Ansatz für die Klimaethik
Nina Fintzen, MA thesis
Self-concepts of Farmers in Brandenburg and Agricultural Discourses. An explorative Study based on Interviews
Julia Spahle, MA thesis
An Evaluation of Formative Influences and Perspectives of Early-Career Transdisciplinary Researchers
Hanna-Lea Schmid, MA thesis
Outlook and Insights – Perception of residential greenery in multi-storied housing estates of Berlin
More information
More information about the THESys Award can be found here
Photo credits: Gerd Altmann (Pixabay)